Using HTMX with Astro

January 22nd, 2024

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If you’ve been anywhere near the frontend side of Twitter these days, you have undoubtedly heard of HTMX. Love it (as you should) or hate it (you do you), it’s a powerful new tool that caters to both frontend and backend devs alike. I think it’s neat, so I wrote a little guide to setting it up for use with another framework I hold near and dear to my heart: Astro.

Getting Astro working

The simplest install path for Astro is the following command (I’m using bun here, but the analogous commands with npm/pnpm/yarn should work as well)

$ bun create astro@latest

Houston (Astro’s cute little mascot) will ask you a few questions, and you’ll be off to the races! For references, I generally choose “Include sample files” (to yoink their Layout.astro), “Install dependencies”, “Strictest” for TypeScript and “Yes” for the git repo.


You have a few options when it comes to installing HTMX for use with Astro.


If you’re just trying it out, or just want a drop-dead simple install path, go ahead and drop an unpkg link into the <head> of your Layout.astro. It’ll look like this:

	<script src=""></script>

Tada! Go ahead and use HTMX to your hearts content on any page that uses Layout.astro.

Direct install

HTMX can also be installed as a direct dependency (this is my preferred approach at the moment). You can do it like this:

$ bun install

Once it’s installed, you can reference it in the <head> of your base Layout.astro, as with the above solution. The only difference is the path, and the fact that you’re now no longer relying on a CDN for one of your dependencies!

	<script src="htmx.js"></script>

Astro integration

Steven Yung maintains a nifty Astro integration that automatically includes HTMX on all your pages. The instructions are covered here, and mostly involve installing the integration alongside HTMX, and then editing your Astro config:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import htmx from 'astro-htmx';

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [htmx()],

Both astro-htmx and have to be installed for this to work properly.

✨ Tada ✨

You now have a working Astro project with HTMX enabled on every page. Go forth and make something cool!